
Attending Mass online and want to give online? Now the Harrisburg Diocese is providing a platform to do that!

The DMI (Disciple Maker Index) is here!

The DMI Survey is now closed. Stay tuned for the results of the survey and what is means for the parish.

What is the DMI?

The DMI is a survey that helps to assess strengths and opportunities of our parish and diocese.

It is designed to:

  1. Reflect on your journey of discipleship
  2. Enable our parish leadership to make decisions based on our imput
  3. Help us grow in faith.

The survey is 95 questions and will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

It is entirely CONFIDENTIAL and ANONYMOUS. The only identifiers of the survey are that it is from our parish (Saint Richard Parish).

The DMI survey is open to every adult in the parish over the age of 18.

The DMI survey is offered in 19 languages.




Sunday Prayer at Home
Spiritual Communion

Saturday Vigil – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning – 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.

Saturday – 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.

Monday through Friday – 9:00 a.m.
Second Friday of the month: Mass at Pleasant View at 10 a.m.

DIRECTIONS – 201 Adele Avenue Manheim, PA  17545   PH – (717) 665-2465

There’s plenty of parking!

Our Time & Talent Serve the Lord.

You can call the parish office for further details about how to serve the Lord through these various ministries:

    • Caring Community
    • Altar Servers
    • Ushers
    • Funeral Luncheons
    • Maintenance Finance Committee
    • Lectors
    • Eucharistic Ministers
    • Knights of Columbus
    • Money Counters
    • Religious  Education Adult Faith Formation RCIA
    • Music Ministry
    • Social Outreach Services
    • Pastoral Council

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Religious Education

CCD (Grades 1 – 8)

Elementary Education (1st – 8th Grade)

We want to include all children and provide appropriate accommodations and supports so that all children may grow in the faith according to their individual abilities.

To register your child/children in Religious Education:

  • Complete registration form.  Complete Special Needs Registration information if required.
  • Students registering for the first time at St. Richard Church must provide a copy of Baptism and First Eucharist certificates as appropriate if not received at St. Richard Church.
  • Enclose the total amount due (see registration fees).  If you are able, please consider a donation to the scholarship fund to assist families unable to pay full registration fees.
  • Complete the volunteer opportunities form.
  • Submit registration packet completed in its entirety to Director of Religious Education.

Registration Fee
Registration fee is $50 per child not to exceed $150 per family.   This includes all textbooks and supplies.  This does not include registration for any retreats or transportation to or from any special events.

Please make all checks payable to St. Richard Catholic Church.

If your family would like to be considered for a scholarship, please contact the Director of Religious Education.

Some Links of Note

Diocese of Harrisburg

Diocesan Religion Curriculum

Diocesan Safe Environment Program

Diocesan Online Training

Codes of Conduct


Covid-19 Parish Employees and Volunteers of Parish Religious Education and or Parish Youth Ministry Programs Acknowledgment Form (pdf)

Covid-19 Education Youth Ministry Parent Acknowledgment Form (pdf)

Reopening Guidelines (pdf)

Master Schedule of Documents (docx) – DOWNLOAD

Religious Education Registration Form (pdf)

Special Needs Registration Form (pdf)

Sponsor Certificate (docx) – DOWNLOAD

Patron Saint Report Guidelines (docx) – DOWNLOAD

Service Hours Forms (docx) – DOWNLOAD

Confirmation Q and A (pdf)

Letter to the Bishop (docx) – DOWNLOAD

Baptism Verification St. Richard (pdf)

Upcoming Events

Parish Activities